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CSS Tactical



The CSS Tactical Smart Emergency Applications, helps you contact CSS Tactical Emergency services when you are in need of help.

twiage for Hospitals / for EMS



for Hospitals

Deliver the best possible care at exactly the right time with advanced entry notification

Twiage brings your ED real-time data to give your teams the full clinical picture. More than just EKG transmission, Twiage helps you cut the rate of false cath lab activations, saving the average cath lab up to $350,000 per year.

Twiage for Hospitals is a secure, HIPAA-compliant web dashboard that seamlessly relays real-time information from EMS to your hospital. Using the Twiage platform, our clients have reduced radio calls by 95%.

Twiage allows paramedics to immediately alert hospital staff and physicians about a patient, share critical patient information, and provide accurate GPS-tracking to help your hospital accelerate patient care in the most crucial moments.

By giving hospitals a complete picture of all incoming ambulances in one centralized location, Twiage helps ED, Cardiac, Stroke, and Trauma teams efficiently manage resources, such as cath labs, operating rooms, and hospital beds, while improving patient outcomes and reducing costs.

  • Designed by EMTs and physicians, Twiage is engineered to improve handoff communications. Never miss a handoff again.

  • Use GPS-tagged accurated ETAs + prehospital passoffs to assess your incoming traffic and save precious time, increasing hospital throughput and improving staff workflow.

  • Pre-register incoming patients to cut door-to-doctor times, improve patient satisfaction, and reduce LWBS.

  • Twiage works in any web browser. No Installation Required!


for EMS

Deliver the best possible care at exactly the right time with advanced entry notification

Twiage brings your ED real-time data to give your teams the full clinical picture. More than just EKG transmission, Twiage helps you cut the rate of false cath lab activations, saving the average cath lab up to $350,000 per year.

Twiage for Hospitals is a secure, HIPAA-compliant web dashboard that seamlessly relays real-time information from EMS to your hospital. Using the Twiage platform, our clients have reduced radio calls by 95%.

Twiage allows paramedics to immediately alert hospital staff and physicians about a patient, share critical patient information, and provide accurate GPS-tracking to help your hospital accelerate patient care in the most crucial moments.

By giving hospitals a complete picture of all incoming ambulances in one centralized location, Twiage helps ED, Cardiac, Stroke, and Trauma teams efficiently manage resources, such as cath labs, operating rooms, and hospital beds, while improving patient outcomes and reducing costs.

  • Designed by EMTs and physicians, Twiage is engineered to improve handoff communications. Never miss a handoff again.

  • Use GPS-tagged accurated ETAs + prehospital passoffs to assess your incoming traffic and save precious time, increasing hospital throughput and improving staff workflow.

  • Pre-register incoming patients to cut door-to-doctor times, improve patient satisfaction, and reduce LWBS.

  • Twiage works in any web browser. No Installation Required!




First Responder Support Tools (FiRST) and HazMat Evac provide First Responders and Emergency Managers with critical map-based information to support their incident response. Both Applications are powered by FiRST, containing all the capabilities described in the website.

ERG 2012 Mobile App



The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration has developed a free, mobile web app of its Emergency Response Guidebook 2012 (ERG). The new safety tool provides the nation's emergency responders with fast, easily accessible information to help them manage hazardous material incidents. This software is available from the Apple iTunes store for iPhone, and from the Google Play website for Android.

Currently electronic files, including the ERG App, cannot be substituted for hard copy documents to comply with the requirements of the Emergency Response Information requirements of Subpart G of Part 172. The intent of this regulation is to ensure that the emergency response information be provided together with the shipping paper in an accessible manner. In accordance with 49 CFR Part 107, Subpart B, a person interested in displaying emergency response information in alternate manner may request a special permit from the Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety.

Paramedic Trauma Review



How strong is your trauma knowledge?

The EMS system as we know it began in the 1960s with a strong focus on trauma, and as a paramedic, you continue to take particular pride in your ability to manage complex scenes and challenging multi-system trauma patients. The Limmer Creative Paramedic Trauma Review app helps you expand your trauma knowledge by addressing trauma by body system and including a section on trauma in special populations.

Understanding trauma requires a solid understanding of shock. Our Paramedic Trauma Review app contains an entire section on bleeding and shock as well as another on chest and abdominal trauma—where serious multiple traumas occur.

Written by leading national paramedic experts, our mobile and web-based Paramedic Trauma Review study tool is designed to better prepare you for your classroom exams as well as the NREMT, while more effectively showing you how to meet the challenges that come with treating trauma patients in the field.

Highlights of the Paramedic Trauma Review app

The Paramedic Trauma Review app contains 850 items including study cards, review questions and practice tests, all of which are full of the critical details you need. The app is split into the following topics:

  • Trauma in Special Populations

  • Trauma and Trauma Systems

  • Bleeding and Shock

  • Chest Trauma

  • Abdominal Trauma

  • Head, Face and Neck Trauma

  • Spinal Trauma

  • Soft Tissue Trauma

  • Muscoskeletal Trauma

Explorer for ArcGIS



Explorer makes it easy to discover, visualize, collaborate and share maps within your ArcGIS organization. Personalize your experience with ArcGIS by marking your favorite maps and places, finding information that is important to you, and sharing it with others. Use Explorer to help you make more informed and timely decisions.

Key Features
* Search, explore and discover maps
* View information about your assets
* Search for places and features in your map
* Share maps with other Explorer users
* Sketch on the map to highlight important aspects of your data
* Tell stories and brief stakeholders via map presentations

IntroducingPulsePoint AED



Help build the most comprehensive registry of AEDs for use during emergencies.

When a cardiac emergency strikes, finding an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) can help save a life. But that takes knowing where AEDs are located. PulsePoint AED lets you report and update AED locations so that emergency responders, such as nearby citizens trained in CPR and off-duty professionals such as firefighters, police officers and nurses, can find an AED close to them when a cardiac emergency occurs.

You and PulsePoint AED can help strengthen the chain of survival for cardiac arrest victims. Download PulsePoint AED for free and use it to report AED locations wherever you see one. Describe the location, snap a picture, and the information is stored for local authorities to verify. After that, the AED location data is made available to anyone using PulsePoint Respond (also available for free in the App Store). PulsePoint Respond is the app that alerts citizen responders who know CPR to local emergencies near them and also to the location of the nearest AED.

The AEDs that you locate and report using PulsePoint AED are also made available to local dispatchers in the emergency communication center, allowing them to direct callers to the nearby life-saving devices.

PulsePoint AED also logs the identity (Facebook or Twitter account) of users adding devices to ensure accountability and to facilitate AED contest scoring.




L'application regroupant, les outils et l'aide mémoire nécessaire à tous les conducteurs de CCF (camion citerne feux de forêts) Français.

Aide à la désincarcération



Cette application destinée aux professionnels du secours routier permet d’accéder en quelques clics, et sans connexion à internet, aux fiches d’aide à la désincarcération des véhicules des constructeurs suivants : Renault, Citroën, Peugeot et Dacia.
Ces fiches indiquent pour chaque modèle, les zones de découpe à éviter, et l'emplacement des équipements pyrotechniques.

Les fiches sont issues du site

Droits de reproduction réservés et strictement limités.




Know where to make your cut during an extrication. The Hybrid Auto Extrication Guide provides clear, intuitive, zoomable schematics, showing the location of airbags, airbag sensors, high voltage electrical lines, fuel, pistons, and seatbelt pretensioners.
For training and operations.

SP Perte De Charge



Permet de calculer la perte de charge hydraulique des établissements des sapeurs pompiers Français.

Le fonctionnement est intuitif et rapide à mettre en œuvre.
Calcul automatique de la pression de refoulement et des pertes de charges.

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